Indium Blog

APEX 2010

上週在美國的拉斯韋加斯(Las Vegas), IPC舉辦了美國地區行業的盛會APEX.   Indium公司一如既往的在展會中心安排展位,和業界各位舊友新友交流,與大家分享最新的產品和技術,傾聽大家的反饋和聲音。


除此,在人山人海的技術會議交流中心(paper presentation, educational workshop)Indium公司的五位大將還為大家做了精彩的演講:

  • Ning-Cheng Lee, Ph.D, Vice President of Technology 李寧成博士:

²       Lead-Free Flux Technology and Influence on Cleaning.

²       Selection of Dip Transfer Fluxes and Solder Pastes for PoP Assembly.

²       Achieving High Reliability Low-Cost Lead-Free SAC Solder Joints Via Mn or Ce Doping.

²       Achieving High Reliability for Lead-Free Solder Joints – Materials Consideration

²       Addressing the Challenge of Head-in-Pillow Defects in Electronics Assembly.

²       Challenges for Implementing a Halogen-Free Process

²       Understanding SIR

²       Stencil Printing Transfer Efficiency of Circular vs. Square Apertures with the Same Solder Paste





Apex 2010