Indium Blog

See You Later!

  • 2017 College Interns
  • Well guys, here we are.

    I can’t even describe how fast these ten weeks have flown by. Not only has this internship been an amazing experience, but I’ve also made some great friends along the way.

    I came into this position not really knowing what to expect. Whether the work I would be doing would be more geared to the office or would I be doing more hands-on tasks. I can say that it’s been a little bit of both, but I’ve seen the background work that actually goes into keeping proper maintenance of a company as large as Indium Corporation.

    Another thing I’m grateful I got to experience was seeing Indium Corporation not just at its headquarters and Business Park Drive, but also at its other Mohawk Valley sites including Rome and Lincoln Avenue in Utica. Going to each one has really helped me understand the development and flourishment of Indium Corporation since its beginning. Someday, I hope to see its Chicago location, or maybe even its location in the U.K.

    While this is goodbye for now, my supervisor, Brian Freiberger, has said that I can come back and work when I have free time within the upcoming school year too. So I can promise that this will not be my last time at Indium Corporation. Once I’m done with my undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering too, I’ll be sure to check back in.

    Indium Corporation has allowed me to not only get some real world experience, but to also be my own person, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity I was given. Thank you to everybody that not only made this possible, but also a great experience.

    I’m not very good at goodbyes; so for now, I’ll just say, “See you later!”

    Until next time, keep staying tuned.
