Aim To Matter in B2B Marcom
As I wound up a recent interview process, I shared some thoughts with my colleague. I usually keep my advice to myself unless someone asks, or unless ...
As I wound up a recent interview process, I shared some thoughts with my colleague. I usually keep my advice to myself unless someone asks, or unless ...
"Social media is the nexus of customer support, recruiting, public relations, brand awareness, lead generation and even product development. No...
I just bought a Marc Ecko shirt. As I detagged it in preparation for its maiden voyage, I noticed what seemed to be an "extra" tag...
Congratulations B2B Marcom leaders! You had a great 2011, filled with many achievements. You are now preparing to settle into 2012 and enjoy the ...
We've GOT to be REAL in B2B Marcom if we are to earn our target audience's respect. So, a colleague who knows I LOVE Marcom email...
Your audience doesn't want to read stuff from a person who is fishing around for things that customers want to read about. The people that trul...
I say this nearly every day: "Always begin at the end." It's my way of reminding people to perform their B2B mar...
Today I was asked, "Why Is Blogging Important?" I replied: Because: Time is important (time kills deals – pe...
In my last Secret Life of Engineers post I mentioned that you will need to travel to become a true expert in your field of engineering. The reason sta...
If you've been in business to business marketing communications for any length of time you've heard parts of this. If you are a newbie, this m...
Here's an example of a hot new B2C video, being shown on Air New Zealand flights. It features fitness guru Richard Simmons, up to his usual a...
An analogy. Follow me on this one. RESIDENCE "A": This Saskatchewan sod house was built in 1907 with the tools and technology of th...