Indium Blog

B2B Marcom in 2007

  • B2B Marcom

  • Yes, I'm looking forward, contemplating what will remain the same (tried & true) and what will change in my B2BMarcom bag of tricks in 2007.

    One component that I have been interested and involved in is the power of the individual. Long-gone are the days when corporate arrogantly shoved their message down people's throats. People are increasingly actively involved with not only reading the message, but with creating the message. And sometimes they ARE the message - as in Millie Garfield of MY MOM'S BLOG. Millie (one of the oldest in the blogosphere) regularly reviews products that she can't seem to open. Millie is bright and energetic - just not super strong. She offers excellent, free consumer experience for the likes of (in episode VIII) Scope, Dove, and Advil (hope they're all listening. Unilever DID respond th this particular video - kudos!). Millie (who I had the pleasure of learning from in a seminar) is "MY MOM" to one of the world's leading videobloggers, Steve Garfield. It's no wonder, then, that her musings are extremely popular on the web.

    This concept (and much more) is the topic of a very important new book titled, CITIZEN MARKETERS, by Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba. Ben was one of the very first blogging experts that I listened to as I began my blogging efforts. He has graciously offered support along my journey.

    One of the interesting things you will see when you visit the book website is a list titled, "Why Social Media Are Important". It includes chilling points such as:

    *About 41% of all cell phone owners use them as content tools
    *10 million people were listening to podcasts in 2006; by 2010, it's expected to be 50 million people
    *By the end of 2005, just over 1 billion people were online -- that's 1/6th of the world

    If you are a B2B Marcom professional and you think this is all about teenagers posting up images of their late-night antics - then you NEED to check out the book site - and buy the book. You simply can't do without it. (HINT: the more this sounds like gobbledygook to you, the more you need it).

    Image: CITIZEN MARKETERS is eagerly ripped open as it arrives on my desk.