Indium Blog

Newfound Networking Skills

  • 2017 College Interns
  • The first week of my internship at Indium Corporation has already provided me with new and profound networking abilities. I learned a lot during my first lunch-n-learn meeting of the summer.

    Indium Corporation invited Diana Wolgemuth of Dale Carnegie, to speak on efficient communication, building trust and rapport, and establishing respectful, professional relationships. We began with a self-evaluation of where we stand on our current capabilities. Some of my strengths include being a good listener, as well as thinking carefully before responding to colleagues. I did notice some areas of improvement, such as creating a solid basis of friendship with my colleagues, which was improved as a result of this session.

    Something as simple as the introduction of your name to someone new can be critical for engaging in a thorough conversation. A good first introduction must include characteristics such as good posture, a firm handshake, a smile, and a clear pronunciation of your name. As easy as that may sound, people will notice if even one of those qualities falters, so getting them all right is necessary for a positive foundation to be set.

    Engaging in conversation can sometimes fall flat, especially when there is a lack of topics to use. One of the best methods of remembering conversation starters is to visualize them, which was one of the exercises we attempted. So, beginning to ask questions about the other person’s hobbies, travel, family, and their work, can assist you whether you are in a room with people you’ve already met, or a room full of strangers. Learning to make a conversation about the other person rather than yourself is critical, and allowing the other person to speak for a majority of the time lets them talk comfortably.

    At the end of the session, we were given Dale Carnegie’s Golden Book, which provides various concepts to abide by in conversation and networking. They are on Dale Carnegie’s official website, and I highly recommend checking them out here. Overall, it was an amazing first lunch-n-learn, of several more to come, that I have to thank Indium Corporation for. I would also like to thank Diana Wolgemuth of Dale Carnegie, for taking the time to properly train myself and the other interns.