Indium Blog

Wrapping Up

  • 2017 College Interns
  • As our time comes to an end within the summer 2017 internship program at Indium Corporation, I begin to reflect upon all that I have encountered and learned over the last 10 weeks. Being in the purchasing department, there is no such thing as downtime during the work day. With having to manage all our suppliers, and always looking for the most cost effective pricing for our international locations, we strive to work around the clock to contact these suppliers all over the globe.

    Saying that, I have enjoyed every moment working with the procurement team, and learning tips and skills that aren’t taught within the classroom environment. I am appreciative of all that my supervisors and co-workers did to help me have a fulfilling experience here at Indium Corporation. I can truthfully say that this summer has been very rewarding, and this internship will always be highly valued as work experience.

    Thank you to all who made this internship program possible.

    -Tricia Loso