Indium Blog

Vlogging is Way Harder Than Blogging

  • B2B Marcom

  • Vlogs (video blogs) are the simple combination of everything bloggy with video. Sounds easy, but it can be pretty rough.

    On top of The 4 Ps of Blogging you will require some other resources. But first, a review of the "4 Ps of Blogging":

    • POINT: if your blog doesn't have a specific point (purpose), then don't even start. "Being pointless" can be your point (that's been argued). But I don't think that "muse" will last too long.
    • PASSION: if you don't have a burning passion about the topic, then don't bother.
    • PERSONALITY: if you don't have the personality for blogging, then find something else to do with your time.
    • PERSEVERANCE: if you won't be able to stick with it once the blogging becomes routine, after you've battled with writer's block, after numerous distractions beckon, then find a new hobby.

    Moving on from there, to become a vlogger, a blogger will need to (to varying degrees):

    1)account for any editing they may want to do prior to uploading (skills, software, patience, etc.).

    2)obtain extra time to do this work.

    3) master a new suite of software and hardware

    4)provide the muse, the topic of your vlogging inspiration.

    5)hone their artistic skills. After all, the lighting, camera angle, audio, and timing don't frequently fall into place for us, do they?

    Don't be deterred, but don't launch into vlogging ill-prepared. You want your first experiences to be rewarding.