Indium Blog

Industry Back to Academia

  • 2022 College Interns
  • With my internship here at Indium Corporation coming to an end, it’s nice to reflect back on all that I’ve done in my short time here and thank all the great people I met along the way. In my last blog post, I introduced what I was working on and the background of my experience. Since then, I’ve done and learned a lot.

    Following the intern midpoint presentation, I still had a long way to go on my project – my work was growing exponentially with new things to do and learn. So, my last few weeks here have been very busy, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. For my project proposal, I was able to present my logical framework, data analysis, and process overview, along with my projected cost and schedule.

    After presenting my work, I was tasked with exploring other options in equipment, quantifying a cost for defective equipment to estimate a return on investment (ROI), determine a process, and push the project forward. Along with this project, I’ve joined a team with my supervisor and another intern to finish working on a 5S project in one of our work cells. 5S is a part of the lean methodology to continuously improve processes – this is a big part of what I’m learning in school, so I’m grateful to have had this opportunity as well.

    In all, this summer was a great experience and I look forward to future opportunities with Indium Corporation. At first, it was almost overwhelming and now I can’t wait to finish a project or gain more experience. For now, it’s back to school where I can take my experiences from this summer with me to my studies.