Indium Corporation Features Rotary Sputtering Targets Liquid and Tabbing Flux at EU PVSEC
August 16, 2012
Indium Corporation will feature its enhanced copper-indium-gallium (CIG), copper-gallium (CuGa) rotary sputtering targets, and full family of PV Module Assembly Materials at the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC) in Frankfurt, Germany, September 25-28, 2012.
The sputtering targets are now available in lengths up to 3.2 meters and with monolithic source layer thicknesses up to 22 millimeters. They are produced in Indium Corporation's vertically integrated, proprietary manufacturing process utilizing aerospace powder metallurgy technology. This creates a consistently homogeneous alloy with low PPM contaminate levels and uniform density, resulting in very consistent sputtering film properties and performance.
Indium Corporation targets are produced as a monolithic material, bonded onto the backing tube using the company's unique hybrid consolidation process. This process provides the user with consistent performance in both the standard copper-indium-gallium-selenium (CIGS) chemistry ranges and when using unique chemistries for the R&D and engineering community.
Included among the company's PV Module Assembly Materials is Indium Corporation's industry-adopted GS-3434 No-Clean Liquid Tabbing Flux. This flux has become the industry choice for PV module assembly processes. While most fluxes used in the industry were developed for wave soldering applications, Indium Corporation formulated GS-3434 specifically for PV soldering.
GS-3434 provides excellent bond strengths on a variety of AgAl metallizations for both tin-lead and lead-free processes. The material's unique formulation enables its use in both spray and flux bath applications, leaving a minimal, clear residue for no-clean operations. Its quick activation at low temperatures also allows for the use of alternate PV ribbon alloys.
Indium Corporation manufactures and distributes materials for thin-film PVD and module assembly. Module assembly materials include SunTab™ PV ribbon, liquid tabbing fluxes, low temperature metallization paste, flux-cored wire, and solder preforms. Indium Corporation also manufactures NanoFoil®, which provides instant heat energy for bonding applications.
Indium Corporation will be exhibiting in hall 3.0, boothD21.
For more information about Indium Corporation's sputtering targets or module assembly materials, visit www.indium.com/solar or email solarteam@indium.com.