Indium Blog

Reflecting on my Internship

  • Indium Corporation

  • With the summer internship season approaching, I can’t help but reflect back to the days when I was an intern for Indium Corporation. The year I was an intern was the first year the program added a weekly professional development lunch and learn. These lunch and learn programs covered topics such as resume writing, interpersonal communication, personal branding, networking, and mentoring. Aside from our day-to-day responsibilities in our own departments – mine being the Quality Engineering department—all of the interns were still able to connect on a weekly basis and learn and grow together. The internship program continues to include this in their overall program. In fact, it is heartwarming for me to see each subsequent intern class go through this same experience – growing as professionals and networking with each other.

    For me, the transition from intern to full time employee was exciting. Starting as the Quality Engineering Intern, I transitioned to a part-time Quality Engineering Technician, and then to a full-time Technical Support Engineer. I am not the only Indium Corporation intern that was offered a job post-internship. Many interns have worked either part-time or full-time after their internship ended. I can think of at least 5 other current employees that I work with regularly today that started their career as an intern for Indium Corporation.

    You can still find my old blog posts and videos from when I was an intern and it is strange for me to see how much I have grown as an engineer and a professional since those days. To find out more about Indium Corporation’s summer internship program, you can go to our website.