Mixed Lead-free and Leaded Reliability: A Hot Technical Topic at APEX
Folks, My friend and colleague Jim Hall of ITM pointed out that the reliability of “mixed” (i.e. lead free and leaded solder and fi...
Folks, My friend and colleague Jim Hall of ITM pointed out that the reliability of “mixed” (i.e. lead free and leaded solder and fi...
Folks, In the last 3 weeks I have given “Lead-Free” (Really WEEE/RoHS Compliant Assembly) workshops at Toronto, Salt Lake City, Manchester...
Folks, I read with dismay this week, an advertisement in an electronic assembly trade journal touting a “drop in” solder paste. The solder...
Folks, I am still surprised that so few people are concerned about tin pest in lead-free assembly. Below is an excerpt from a paper I wrote on the top...
Eric writes: Dr. Ron, I have an application that uses a high melting point solder. The solder has more than 85% lead. Is it exempt from RoHS? Eri...
Folks, My friends at Indium put on another of their terrific Quickstart Workshops in Libertyville, IL this past Tuesday and Wednesday. In addition to ...
Chris writes, For purposes of exemption in telecom land, when the EU defines only the solder as exempt, does that really mean just the solder? ie, c...
Chuck writes: Dr. Ron, I make ceramic modules, so I am assuming that I am excepted from RoHS (See Annex 4.) My ceramic models use lead containing sold...
Hello Dr. Lasky, Could you send me a pdf or word.doc file with more details about your techniques on cost estimating for SMT assembly. I would like to...
Folks, I am here at APEX in sunny (?) LA. Show attendance appears to be high despite the rainy weather. The theme of the show: Lead-free. This sho...
At Indium’s Quickstart seminar at Motorola, Plantation, Fl (February 8, 9, 2005) Ed asked: We make electronics that go on ships that are used by...
Indium Corporation’s VP of Technology, Ning-Cheng Lee, Ph.D and Senior Technologist, Ronald C. Lasky, Ph.D., PE, will both be presenting courses...