SVC in Orlando
The Society of Vacuum Coaters 2010 technical conference took place last week, so this week I’ve been rounding up the display sputtering tar...
So what is solder anyway?
After spending a couple of days at some Indium Corporation NanoFoil® customers, I am back in front of my computer working on customer trip reports...
NanoFoil®: Low-Void Solder Bonding Under Pressure
So, I figured while I’m at 30,000 feet in an airplane on free wi-fi (how long have we waited for this? Thank you AirTran®!), it would be a p...
NanoFoil(r) Basics: Activation Part II
In my last post, NanoFoil Basics: Activation Part I, I talked about NanoFoil® activation properties (remember, I’m not using the t...
Nano: The Next Small Thing
I’m a nano guy, and for me the term “nano” can refer to my college degree, my interest in bug collecting, or my iPod. For most...
Dr. Alan Rae: Nanotechnology in Electronics Assembly
I caught up with Alan Rae after a recent IWLPC committee meeting, where he jokingly asked me to, “Stop asking important questions” –...
NanoFoil® and the Grilled Cheese Incident
Having worked with NanoFoil® for over two years, I've tried just about every way possible to explain what it is, where it comes from, and why ...
NanoFoil(R) - Nanotech comes to Indium Corporation
I just sat down to talk to Tommy Acchione (pronounced “akki-OWN”) Applications Engineer with Indium Corporation’s new product ...