Advanced Aerodynamics
From a different link in the thermal chain: I noticed an article dealing with fan design that you might be interested in (click here). It’s nice...
From a different link in the thermal chain: I noticed an article dealing with fan design that you might be interested in (click here). It’s nice...
A typical LASER component before heat-sink mounting with a compressible Heat-Spring. Image Source:
Much like this female G.I. Joe ninja, Amanda fits in with our predominantly male industry and she is definitely worthy......
Liquid metals containing gallium are not simple to handle, but there are ways to do it, and anyone I know who has worked with these materials and hand...
A drop of liquid metal. img src="
image: In some of my recent posts, I have proclaimed the benefits of indium and metal thermal interface materials. I have tried...
Etched Indium Ribbon Wound Back on Itself and cold-welded to form a loop. Die assembly often involves......
Indium Foil used as a thermal interface can easily be handled with pick and place tools. ......
mage: Working with a male-dominated team of engineers, I hear my fair share of guy talk. As would be expected fr...