Dartmouth Student Asks Questions About SACm® Solder Alloy
Folks, Some years ago, a leading IC manufacturer decided that their R&D effort could benefit if analyzed for possible improvement – by hirin...
Folks, Some years ago, a leading IC manufacturer decided that their R&D effort could benefit if analyzed for possible improvement – by hirin...
Indium metal powder is mixed with flux for application by dispensing or printing equipment. This mixture is referred to as solder paste. Lucky fo...
Indium wire is very different than the solder wire you find in hardware stores. To me, it’s like comparing a sports car and a go-kart. Each perf...
Spheres are the form of indium I use the most for testing solder wetting properties, because they have a precise volume. (As opposed to shot, which do...
Interesting question from a Chinese die-attach customer this week asking about volume resistivity of solder. My friend, Eric Bastow, suggested that In...
People use indium in many forms – to create many different products. Certain forms fit various applications. Here are some of the many forms of ...
Let’s quickly review the advantages of Bi/Sn/Ag alloy tabbing ribbon coating before we discuss them further: Low temperature melting point Pb-fr...
Have you ever found yourself knowing where you want to go, but not sure how to get there? This can be frustrating and time......
Many people try to determine the volume of solder paste that they will use on a given circuit board or during a full production run. Calculating...
Folks, Let’s see how Patty is recovering from her conflict with Hal Lindsay……. Patty saw a link on one of the daily SMT Tech new...
The 46th International Symposium on Microelectronics will be held in Orlando, Florida, September 30th through October 3rd, 2013. I will be attending b...
Solder seems pretty simple, and, honestly, it doesn’t always need to be overly technical. But, many SMT, semiconductor, thermal management, and ...