ALWAYS BEGIN AT THE END: Goal-oriented B2B Marcom
I say this nearly every day: "Always begin at the end." It's my way of reminding people to perform their B2B mar...
I say this nearly every day: "Always begin at the end." It's my way of reminding people to perform their B2B mar...
OK – right up front you got me. We need to set GOALS for EVERY marcom activity. Trade shows, exhibitions, and conferences are nothing special in...
Today I was asked, "Why Is Blogging Important?" I replied: Because: Time is important (time kills deals – pe...
If you've been in business to business marketing communications for any length of time you've heard parts of this. If you are a newbie, this m...
Listen up! I just participated in a podcast that covers some meaningful B2B Marketing Communications topics. Click the image &nb...
Here's an example of a hot new B2C video, being shown on Air New Zealand flights. It features fitness guru Richard Simmons, up to his usual a...
An analogy. Follow me on this one. RESIDENCE "A": This Saskatchewan sod house was built in 1907 with the tools and technology of th...
Being good at anything includes recognizing greatness. In this case, I just read an awesome post (thanks to @PaigeGroup) about design - which can...
It is always important, sometimes critical, to come off well when interviewed. Most often the interviewer is an industry (or larger) celebrity and the...
I'd like to coin a term, "nuse". It means to use the news, in a bad way, to your benefit. This term came to mind as I observed variou...
I have heard it said that there are only three types of people: those who make things happen those who watch things happen those wh...
Don’t be afraid to inject your personality into your B2B Marcom. We’ve all heard the saying, “People don’t buy fr...